Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Heavy like the rocks we carry

I forbade my friends and family from commenting on or "liking" my blog publicly for obvious reasons, but I got a nice private note from "P", who I refer to in the first post. She sent me a quote from French President Francois Mitterand's secret daughter by his mistress. 

"Being unable to share a secret makes this secret very heavy. You protect it rather than protecting yourself.”

I found this beautiful and moving, and it reminded me of the lyric in the post title from a song that inspired me to cope with my diagnosis.

"I can't hold my breath any more/

I stopped sinking and learned to surf"


1 comment:

  1. I found your blog via twitter, and I look forward to seeing your story unfold. It has been my experience having a venue for relating our own truth supports health and wellness is a empowering. I hope for swift tenure!
